Saturday, August 15, 2015

When I first heard your voice
The words didn't matter
I was so lost in the moment
That the answers didn't matter
I lost my own voice
I was so confused u see
I forgot what I had to say
All time just ceased to be
And it happens to this day..
Even though I have a lot to say

Friday, August 14, 2015

I stood among the varied wild flowers
Middle of the vast evocative meadow
No big trees to cut through the carpet
And no ethereal dark shadows

The light air carried the sweet smell
To the bells in the spire up high
and they tolled in merry abandonment
In rhythm with my heart's sweet sigh

As I stared in the blue yonder
through the hills high and bare
The butterflies hovered around me
Wondering what was caught in my stare

They couldn't know of my unseen smile
For it was guised by my longing for you
As my eyes stuck to the winding road
That was to carry you, sure and true

As you came through along in my sight
I moved forward towards your lonely trail
Reaching my hands out for a far off caress
You smile reached me, through the veil

Gosh!! Why did time not fly away
Just to let me get you in my arms
Please!! Don't let my wish be in vain
Please!! Don't let me be deceived again

In the meadow of my insouciant mind
As i wait to feel your love anew
The bells still toll in renewed fervour
For my heart will always beat for you
I love you, knowing not what you are
But for what I be, when with you

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Some day when I will not be around
Some day when the light will be snuffed out
Some day when there wont be any memories
And I will be relegated to unremembered dreams
Then you will be free as a bird
To laugh as you please, run with your herd
No more you will need to react
No more love's drama to enact
Down by the alley lover and I...we did meet
Her enchanted me...that I forgot to greet
She wished me ... a good morning... A good day
Little does she know..I have lost my after day
I believe in you so much because, I dunno, maybe since I am foolish and mad
But then I know what you are...and you are much better than what you think you are!!!
So go forth and snatch what is yours for the taking, whether you deserve it or not
When the world is yours to seize, why care for all the things that don't matter at all?
The day you cease being in my life
Is the day I cease to be
What do I do with these lovely meadows
Without a flower as sweet as thee???

Thursday, August 6, 2015

I looked at you, the way its meant to
My eyes pierced into your soul
But all around I could see was zilch
There was nothing for me to behold
I laughed hard, till I could no more
And then I cried and cried, some more
I hoped your heart had a room for me
But by then you had shown me the door
How stupid I must have felt; Your smile
How wicked it looked on your mouth
The way I hoped was so quixotic
The way I stared, yes, so uncouth
All that I need is to find some peace
Now all that I need is some sign
I only wish to float down the life stream
And search within, the truth, divine

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

He had said all his goodbyes
He had no time for his pain
He hoped they will all understand
Didnt have anything else to gain
Life had been a brief stopover
To replenish his dog-tired soul
There was no hope in his Pandora's box
All dreams sucked by a mean black hole
Ah!! To be supped by all that gloom
There is so much pleasure in despair
He longed to hear that wicked smile
The Reaper with his pale death stare
But hark!!! Who pricks his beloved darkness?
And intrudes in his private moment!!!
Why pierce his pitch-black spirit?
The audacity to wreck his rant!!!
Did someone just touch his heart?
A recall from a past well blanked out
A dip in his inner sea of memories
A pulchritudous profile thrushed out
A longing, a desire, a simple wish
A feel of a beautiful future
Was all that a beam of hope needed
To rouse him into an ecstatic rapture
There is always something to love
Something to look for with gay
A beautiful dawn is close at hand
That will take your breathe away